Monday, June 17, 2013

Tools For the Indie Writer

I've been meaning to do this for a while now, and that's compile a list of online tools I've found tremendously helpful for writing and publishing independently.  All of these are free, which makes them even more awesome.

Writing: is the best application I've ever found for getting the words on the screen.  It's been around for years and I've been a fan for forever. It times you while counting your words, and if you stop typing for too long it starts playing obnoxious noises at you, or, in kamikaze mode, starts deleting what you've already written. Great motivator.

Written?Kitten! gives positive reinforcement instead of negative. For every 100 words you write you get a new kitten picture.  (It can be adapted to give you pics of puppies or porn too.)

Pro Writing Aid This free online editing software is beyond awesome for someone who doesn't have the money for a professional editor.  By running your text through the program it picks up over-used words, awkward sentences, pronouns, grammar errors, cliches and more. Sees things your beta readers miss.

Cover creation:
Stock Free Images This site used to be better. You used to be able to download unlimited large-file images and now you can only have 10 for each account. (They don't seem to stop you from making multiple accounts with multiple email addys though. Bwahaha!) All the same, almost all of my cover images have come from this site and their only condition is attribution, which is a nice thing to do for your cover artist anyway.

Pic Monkey Totally helpful if you don't have Photoshop, this online photo manipulator gives you a lot of options for dressing up your images that other free paint programs don't have. Also really great if you have zero experience working with images. If you have a bit of graphic experience I suggest this freeware.  It's pretty basic but gets the job done, and duh--its free!

1001 Free Fonts For all of your free typographical needs.  Some fonts do have limitations (non-commercial use only for example) but most are 100% free. The ones with restrictions have readme files attached to the downloads.

So, look at me being all helpful and altruistic. Love me. Also, go buy something. :)

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